Friday, July 3, 2020

Sharing our Science Learning!

In term 2 we have been learning about the scientific perspective of how our world was created and how species have changed over time. This is called Evolution.

First, we did experiments, research and activities which provided us with knowledge about many different topics within Evolution. Examples of topics were; Extinction, Adaptation (Natural selection), Human evolution, The big bang theory,  Timeline of Earth, Humans adapting to live in space, and so much more.
We then were able to choose the topic that we found interesting and therefore wanted to further explore and research about.
Next, we gathered and interpreted data and became experts on our chosen topics. We then had to come up with a creative and interesting way of presenting our information. We had to think about what was going to be interesting to our audience and then think about the best way of presenting the information in order for our audience to learn. We decided that making our projects interactive was a great way to capture our audiences attention and would be something they are more likely to remember. 
All of our finished projects were fantastic and we were given great feedback from our Kauri team friends saying they were exciting and interactive. Each group or individual had so many positive things to reflect on and also something they could work on next time. The great thing about doing these projects is that it is the perfect opportunity to make mistakes, and learn from them. 

In term 3, we will have the opportunity to make our own Genius Hour projects where we will have more freedom, and be able to choose a topic about ANYTHING! Genius hour is a movement that allows us to explore our own passions and gives us a set time to learn about what we want to learn. We will then share our finished products with our whanau and reflect on our experience.

Leave a comment below about what you like about our Evolution projects! Did you see them in real life? What did you enjoy? What else would you like to know about Evolution?

Room Nine's Evolution Projects!